WALT - Use show not tell to describe an emotion
Success criteria
- I must have show not tell.
- I have to use strong vocabulary
- I should edit my work and see if it has what I need in my writing.
At school there was a magic show in the hall. I was thinking why people was going to the hall they said there was a magic inside the hall, but I didn’t believe in magic but in a meanwhile there was a bunny in the hall then ………..
After play time all room 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 went to the hall and watched a magic trick. When we got to the hall we had to sit down and listen what he was going to do next , as he started there was a man with his rabbit. So as I saw it ‘s bunny I ran to it and it didn’t like me, but before I even touched it I thought the bunny was kind but it was mean to me. As it started I went back to my set and sat down feeling unhappy. When the man started his first magic trick his rabbit came upon me, and it just sat on me like I was a chair I tried to move, but I couldn’t because there was no more chairs lift then I gave the bunny to Angela but In a meanwhile the magic man’s name was called Ben. He called out for his bunny so he can do something to the bunny. Ben just put the bunny inside his hat and said a magic word (abracadabra) he called some other kids from the other class to try out the magic trick that he has showed us. They couldn’t say the magic word so they tried and tried hard to say the magic word but then Ben did it. As the bunny came out he was mad when he came out of the hat it’s bunny was wet because the bunny stay inside the hat to long so when the man made him come out he was sad.
The fun part was when the man made his bunny come out of his hat but as he took the bunny out it was funny.
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