Vocabulary 1/11/17
WALT - know new words
Word - Spawn
Mean - spawn is like a sea creature
Synonym - Create
Antonym - kill
Word -Threaten
Mean - when someone has hurt you and you haven’t notice that you were going to get a hiding.
Synonym - Bully
Antonym - Defend
Word - integrity
Mean - when you want to lie, but you have to be honest to one of your parents or friends
Synonym - Honestly
Antonym - deceit
Word - Sustainable
Mean - Just to catch up to the level you have to catch up on
Synonym - Unceasing
Antonym - Untenable
Word - Erosion
Mean - The process of ending or being eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents.
Synonym - wear
Antonym - building
During class time I have been learning new words that I haven't heard before. This activity helped me to learn words I haven't heard before and add it to my vocab list.
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